3 March 2010

Gammon Stew 燉燻腿

一個半月前的某個寒冷的夜晚,十八和我窩在家裡做了這道 Gammon Stew,天氣冷在家吃這種燉煮不費心又有熱湯的最溫暖最適合了。

Gammon 基本上就是煙燻過的豬後腿,在英國典型酒吧菜單裡頭常會看到 Gammon steak with egg and chips 這味菜色;基本上就是切一大片燻後腿,煎一煎,配上個煎蛋以及薯條安捏,了不起多兩條生菜沙拉,快速簡單。老實說,味道也還不錯~就是燻後腿的鹽分多了點需要大量的酒精。阿趁著正是 Savoy Cabbage 的季節~總得給人家(燻後腿)多一次機會對吧對吧。

  1. 1tbsp Olive oil
  2. 1.1kg Smoked gammon joint 一大塊燻後腿
  3. 8 Shallots, chopped
  4. 3 Carrots, peeled and chopped into chunks
  5. 3 Selery sticks, chopped into chunks
  6. 500-600g or 4-6 Large desiree potatoes, peeled and quartered
  7. 450ml Each pressed apple juice and vegetable stock (so 900ml in total)
  8. 1 Savoy cabbage, shred 捲心菜切絲

  • Heat the olive oil in a large casserole, add he gammon until brown all over. Remove from the pan.
  • Preheat the oven to 180C. Add 3-5 to the pan, cook until soften
  • Return the gammon to the pan, add 6 and 7, cover and bring to boil, then transfer to the oven cook for 50min.
  • Remove from the oven and put the dish back on the hob over a low heat. Add 8, simmer for 2-3 min. Serve. (can be served with rice, mash or on its own)

  • 找個可以丟進烤箱的大燉鍋,熱橄欖油,把大塊的燻後腿煎到全部都金黃。取出。
  • 預熱烤箱180度C。加入3-5,炒到軟。
  • 把燻後腿加入鍋內,以及6和7,蓋蓋子煮到滾,丟到烤箱烤50分鐘。
  • 拿出後放在瓦斯爐上開小火,加入切成細絲的捲心菜煮2-3分鐘。吃!(可直接和馬鈴薯吃或是配飯或馬鈴薯泥一起吃)


買不到這 Gammon ham 的可以拿其他鹹的燻肉燻火腿代替,不過其實這道菜的精華在於 Savoy cabbage 。這種捲心菜嫩又甜,我把 Savoy cabbage 切絲之後當飯吃,滾著湯汁讓人一口接著一口,原本食譜說要1/2個,所以一開始我只切了1/4個 Savoy cabbage(因為想說分兩餐吃),可是根本不夠吃。還是不能太小看自己。

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